Booker Grass
Recently, several popular apps have been updated in the iOS and the Google Play Store. Apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Phhhoto, and Twitter have all been updated with some new fun features.
Instagram:This widely used app has changed its likes on videos to represent the amount of viewers who have seen it.
Snapchat: This app adopted a messaging feature months ago but there have been a few new things added to it since then. The texting feature has a more similar set up like Facebook Messenger, including calls, video chats, voice messages and picture messaging. The way in which a user views Snapchat stories has also changed. Rather than clicking to go to the next story, Snapchat automatically goes to the next one.
Phhhoto: There is now an added text option on the Gif done by rotating two fingers on the screen. There are filters available for purchase that the user can keep, so when the app decides to switch filters, the user can continue to use which ever ones were bought.
Twitter: The new update involves a timeline feature to help catch up on missed tweets. To turn on the new feature go into “settings” and turn on the “show me the best tweets first” option. This feature helps to see missed tweets when offline, as well as continues to keep the timeline in order from when tweets were posted.