Rauner Plans to Bring Back Illinois
Republican candidate Bruce Rauner takes majority of votes versus Governor Pat Quinn.
It was a busy day at the polls throughout the United States on Tuesday, Nov. 4. Voters submitted their ballots out for the next Illinois governor and shared their opinions on other topics, such as the minimum wage. Republican candidate Bruce Rauner won the election over Democratic candidate Pat Quinn, 51 percent to 46 percent. He is the first Republican governor since 2003.
“This election is bringing back our great state and the voters have spoken,” said Rauner.
But how is Rauner planning on getting Illinois moving again?
Rauner is fighting the battle for job and economic growth in Illinois. Other statewide Republicans have taken notice in the state’s job lag and poor economics. Though Rauner made the growth of economics and jobs a centerpiece of his campaign to “Bring Back Illinois,” the fine details of his plan are still unknown.
Although Rauner plans to bring change to Springfield, he will be challenged by a heavily split Congress of Democrats and Republicans. Time will tell whether he can bring back Illinois.