Psychology Club Discusses Intellectual Thought
While Psychology is a popular class inside of the Social Studies Department, the Psychology Club allows interested students to become more open minded towards the learning aspects of human thought.

Psychology Club members become further engaged in the study of human intellect through research and group discussions.
Open to all students, the ACHS Psychology Club offers a place of discussion for those interested in learning more about the human mind. Without member requirements, the club serves sequoits on a welcoming basis, accepting newcomers at thier monthly meetings.
“We have a lot of conversations in Psychology Club about different topics and how they relate to people,” teacher advisor Emma Craig said.
The club covers a variety of topics in its meetings, answering students’ deeper questions on the human thought process and feelings. They then take this information and relate it to the everyday and personal lives of the students.
“This semester we are changing things up a bit and coming up with topics that interest us to research,” Craig said. “For example, at our last meeting we talked about psychological disorders and then used that knowledge to diagnose different movie or tv villains with disorders.”
From watching Ted Talks to discussing psych concepts to expanding on the conspiracy theory, the Psychology Club enhances student knowledge in many areas.
“I really like the Ted Talks,” senior Nichole Harris said. “It gives me a different point of view on how people work.”
Whether you are interested in the subject, would like to converse with others about human thought or enjoy broadening your horizons through informative videos and discussions, the Psychology club is open and ready for you to join. For more information on meeting dates and times, visit Emma Craig in the Social Studies hallway.