Promposals Take Over as Dance Approaches

It’s around that time to pop that special question.

Asking someone to Prom is a nerve-racking experience. Many ideas have been used one too many times and some are just cliche. Some proposals can be funny, sweet and some even really simple. It doesn’t matter how small or big the gesture is, it’s the thought that counts.  Here are some unique proposals:

1.) Float up in the sky on a magical night.


2.) Prom? Okay!

3.) There’s so many reasons to ask someone to Prom.

4.) What’s a prince without his princess?

5.) For those coffee lovers out there.

6.) No one can ever go wrong with food.

7.) Surprise surprise!

8.) Light up someone’s night.

9.) Just pop the question.

10.)  Prom?

Prom is just a month away, don’t overthink asking someone to Prom. Pick some friends and have an amazing time!

This prom season, the Tom Tom will again be hosing its promposal contest. Submit you best promposals to Instagram and Twitter using #SequoitProm15 to be entered to win free prom tickets. The submissions will be placed on Sequoit Media and a whole school vote.