Profile: Jaden DeVaughn
Jaden’s determination and love for the game of football is something special.
Junior Jaden DeVaughn is a another kid who fell in love with the game of football. He has been playing for a long time, and has never stopped loving the game. He is the backup safety on the team, but because he is the backup, that makes him even more determined.
DeVaughn is not very well known on the Varsity field, however, he wants to earn his starting spot and is preparing the be a key player for next year’s season. He has outstanding determination and he really pushes himself so that he can be a starter for next season.
“My personal goal this year is to work really hard so that I am able to start next year,” DeVaughn says.
Football games are special because they are played under the lights once a week, every Friday night. Is is every football player’s dream is to run out underneath the Friday night lights while the fans are cheering. Hearing the Cardinal Crazies chant and cheer them on; the rush that they get is like no other.
“I love football, there is no sport like it that can give you that feeling playing on a Friday night,” DeVaughn says.
The Sequoits are making a run this year, being undefeated. DeVaughn really likes what the Sequoits have been doing this year and he doesn’t see a sign of them slowing down. He expects only the best from himself and his team this year, and hopes that their season will not be cut short.
“I expect us to do very well and to make the playoffs and make a run for state,” Devaughn says.
DeVaughn is just another kid to many people, not know by many of the football spectators, but soon all the hardwork will pay off and people will know DeVaughn, because he will be out on the field, under the lights.