Pre-Prom Assembly Promotes Safety and Prevention
ACHS takes action to prevent drug and alcohol abuse for the pre-Prom assembly.
This Thursday, May 3rd, ACHS held a pre-prom assembly to prepare and inform students of the dangers of underaged drinking for the upcoming dance next Saturday, March 12, 2018.
The two guest speakers, Doctor Howard Cooper and Doug Petit, spoke about their experiences with drug and alcohol abuse and how it has affected them in their lives and the lives of their children.
The first speaker, Cooper, is the Lake County Coroner. Cooper explained how he autopsies several victims of drug overdose and alcohol related accidents daily, and many of them are teens. He shared his experiences of telling parents and children alike that their loved ones are gone. Cooper warned students about the consequences of drinking and doing drugs, and stressed that it could be anyone. All it takes is one time for someone to become hooked on drugs or black out drunk.
In further efforts to get his point across, Cooper offered students the opportunity to visit his office and view an autopsy.
Petit, a father of two, lost his son at age 16 to an accident involving underaged drinking. Petit was away on a business trip and came home to find his son was at a party. His son did not return home that night and was declared missing. A search took place and police found his body in a retention pond four days later. Petit’s story reminds students of the dangers of underaged drinking. He said that he would not even be mad at his son for what he did, he only wishes he was alive to give him advice for the future.
Sequoits, remember to drive safe, wear a seatbelt and steer clear of drugs and alcohol.