Pre-Prom Assembly Hits Home
Students, fire department help in moving assembly against drunk driving.
With the ACHS prom approaching on May 14, faculty has prioritized informing Sequoits about the effects of drinking and driving. In a demonstration performed by juniors Paige Hope and Rebekah Cartlidge and seniors Tommy Howe, Ashley Hare, Jessica Guzman, Madison Paddock and Jasmine Delara, the horrors of alcohol-induced car accidents came directly to the junior and senior classes.
“It was very eye-opening about if you don’t make the right decisions,” junior Elisa Pokorny said. “You have a choice on everything, but if you make the wrong one, there will be consequences.”
The performance was emotional enough to have an impact on how students view prom and other upcoming activities.
“I think it was very powerful in the message that they were trying to convey, with prom coming up and the end of the school year,” junior Sarah Opolka said. “I think students should learn how to make the right decisions, even when faced with peer pressure.”