Pep Rally Starts Homecoming Week
Antioch students begin homecoming week with a pep assembly.
This past Thursday, October 4th, ACHS kicked off the start of homecoming week with a pep rally to get the student body excited for the upcoming week of festivities.
During the Pep rally there were performances by the Marching Sequoits, the color guard, the dance and cheer teams along with the help of this year’s homecoming deejay: My Boom Tour.
Along with the pep rally there are many upcoming events for homecoming week.
- Tuesday, October 9: 90s day
- Wednesday, October 10: Vine and meme day and the Powderpuff football game
- Thursday, October 11: Luau day and the homecoming parade/pep rally
- Friday, October 12: Toga day for the seniors and school spirit wear for the rest of the school and the homecoming football game against the Lakes eagles.
“I’m excited for the football game against Lakes, it’s a crazy rivalry,” junior Madalyn Carpenter said.
ACHS students are excited for all the events this week and hope to beat their cross-town rivals on Friday. Homecoming week promises to be a fun time for everyone.