Peer Tutoring Program Helps Students Study
Have you ever wanted to help others? The new peer tutoring program is your chance to teach and help other students.
Photo by Clay Vesser
Available only to sophomores and juniors, a new peer tutoring program was put in place. Allowing students to tutor others in subjects such as math and science during lunch hours. This new program will be available to students at Antioch Community High School starting second semester. A completed application and an interview is required to become a part of the peer tutoring program. The application can be found in the main office or the student services office. It must be fully completed and turned into the assistant principal, Aryan Haren’s office by Dec. 15. Interviews will take place shortly after winter break. Tutors will be selected afterwards, and a training session will occur on the afternoon of Institute Day, Jan. 16.
In a survey conducted by the Tom Tom, 10 out of 15 students said that they plan on participating in the peer tutoring program. Not only does this give students an opportunity to learn from and benefit others, but it even counts towards Cum Laude volunteer hours.
Any questions about the peer tutoring program can be directed to Haren at (847) 838-7268, or at