ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: The Senior With Determination
Everyone is always craving and fighting for one thing that could change their life in a positive way. Senior Kelsey Neville is ready to come back stronger than last year to finally get her very own state win in tennis. Neville has been practicing harder now than she ever has before, nothing is quite worth the wait and the work like getting a state championship.
“Kelsey is really committed to what she does, she always puts in hard work to be good at what she does,” junior Starlin Bognar said.
During practices, Neville is focused on her end goal but is always up to having fun, because nothing makes loving a sport better than being able to have fun while playing it. When people on the team are struggling with a new move or just learning how to play tennis in the first place, Neville is normally the one who steps up to help out.
Many people look up to Neville on and off the court. On the court, Neville is a strong player and someone to be friends with, but to her opponents, she may seem a bit intimidating. She is the type of person who always says ‘hey’ to everyone in the hallways and will always be there for her friends whether they need help with school or just need someone to practice tennis with.
With Neville being a senior, it’s time for her to start getting serious about thinking what colleges she could possibly be going to. At the moment, Neville is thinking about going to Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY. She is hoping to get a scholarship for tennis and wants to major in physics.
Nothing can make a person happier than being able to come home with a win, being able to show off all of what they have accomplished and been working so hard towards. After Neville plays in a match, if she does win she always reminds herself to stay humble and to not shove her win in other people’s faces.
“I usually don’t warm up a lot but if I do I usually just hit a little with a friend,” Neville said.
To better herself on the court, Neville goes over and beyond the expected amount of practice. Neville practices outside of school by herself and at a club. Putting in the extra work and effort definitely shows through Neville’s strong game and reputation.
“I play outside of school four times a week and after school at a club,” Neville said.
Since Neville is a singles player, she can practice by herself. Being in singles has its positives and its negatives. Some positives are that a player is alone on the court so they can do what they want to do. However, some negatives are that it could be harder and more work for a player since they are not working with another person on the court.
Neville is working her hardest on and off the court and is trying to do anything in her power so she can have a good chance at being able to take home a state title in tennis. Neville is a hardworking player and will continue to pursue her dream until she does achieve it.