As the most powerful country in the world, America tends to be the most racially blind. Not only in the United States, but in Antioch as well it is evident that race is an unrecognized issue that needs to be addressed. The town of Antioch was created in the 1830s with an inspiring motto of “close to home, close to perfect;” however, Antioch is far from perfect.
People live in a society where seeing is believing; however, being oblivious to the fact that racism exists does not mean that acts of cruelty do not occur throughout the United States and the town of Antioch. In today’s generations, people tend to distance themselves from topics that could place them in an uncomfortable situation. Many people don’t put themselves in those situations because of the underlying fear of peer judgement. Whether it be locker room talk, jokes at the dinner table or old fashioned racist remarks, people play an everyday role in making racism what it is today.
“I think racism is a problem in today’s society and in Antioch,” sophomore Brianna Galan said. “There is more criticism on minorities that cause problems that we can’t handle.”
Students need space to imagine and emotionally connect to discrimination rather than learn about it from a lecture. Students need to see themselves as agents of change and healing. Talking about racial inequality takes courage. As students and teachers reflect on their own experiences, it is normal to feel discomfort, but once one opens their mind to deepen their understanding, they will find it easier to manage the discomfort.
America continues to become more diverse; however, communities still seem to show an increase in racism. According to Galan, it is hard to feel completely comfortable at school. As a school and community, it is important to understand why people are different and to accept them for it. Many people have the ability to recognize racism in the world, however, they are unable to see how visibly evident it is in their own home town. Difficult situations can result in the emergence of strong emotions, leaving people unable to speak up.
“I was walking home from school one day and a car passed and yelled the ‘N-word’ at me,” Galan said. “That was the first time I have heard something like that directed at me. It was truly shocking to hear and just made me feel out of place.”
It is unbelievable that something so demeaning still occurs to this day, but it’s not something that everyone can relate to. Many can feel remorse for an instance such as this, but some won’t ever understand how it effects the way people feel, think and act. This is a recurring issue and because many aren’t as exposed due to the lack of diversity, some act as if it isn’t there.
Those who are affected by these racial slanders don’t feel the support that they should.
“When I want to achieve certain goals, I feel like I have to work extra hard in order to succeed in what I want,” Galan said.