ACHS senior, Shaylene McCue, is currently a member of NHS and concert band and is psych club president. Shaylene was a member of the dance team for three years, while dancing with her private studio years prior. She’s played clarinet in the marching band and been a member of colorguard. Shaylene is the focus of our December issue’s ONE|SEQUOIT Project.
During my freshman year, I branched off into various areas of fine arts, like concert band. There was a point where I tried to learn the violin and piano. This year, I decided to not have a lunch and take courses I wanted to try. Although it’s more work, it’s more interesting. It’s amazing to see how every subject connects.
I started dancing my first year and I was one of two freshmen on varsity. I’ve been dancing ever since I was itty bitty. Dance is really what drives me and it’s what I most care about. For marching band, I love how uniform it is. Everyone is so together. My athletic and extracurricular experience has just been a hodge podge of random things. I have a lot of interest so I figured why not try them all while I can?
This year for psych club, Anna [other president] wants to try and do a service project. Our club has been more focused on our small group, so we want to reach out more. I also help lead activities and projects at my church’s retreats for the younger kids. I think it’s important to give back. If you have a skill or talent, even if that just means giving your time, why not?
The purpose of the ONE|SEQUOIT Project is to display how Antioch Community High School has impacted current and graduated students’ lives through education, student life, athletics and community service. This project is our attempt to tell a story of ACHS through the lens of its students—past, present and future. These stories are not told by Tom Tom journalists. Instead, they are told by the Sequoits themselves. It is their words, their story and their experience. They are ACHS, and together they are ONE|SEQUOIT.