The decade of Furby’s, Mighty Morpin Power Rangers, Scrunchi’s, Pokemon, the Spice Girls, *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys: the 90’s. Former paraprofessional Karl William Richter was an Antioch Sequoit from 1994 to 1998. But, he didn’t stop being a Sequoit there. He was brought back to Antioch Community High School in 2004 as a paraprofessional.

Richter played football and baseball all four years of high school.
“They kept me busy, kept me out of trouble, kept me focus on my academics. Also physically to stay in shape,” he said.
Richter was more of a jock in high school, but he found himself melting in with all kinds of different groups. Football and baseball made a lifelong impact on his life.
“I developed friendships that I still have to this day,” said Richter.
Friendships weren’t the only thing Richter found and kept after high school. He also met his wife at Antioch Community High School. He met her his junior year of high school when she was a sophomore in their Algebra II class. After they both finished college, they got married and had two children together.

He attended Benedictine University for his Bachelor’s degree and then Concordia University of Chicago for his Master’s degree. He taught at Allendale in Lake Villa, Ill. before coming back to ACHS.
Richter continued his love for football and baseball as an adult, coaching both here in ACHS.
“Mr. Petty had a lot to do with it. He got me involved in coaching with him. There was an opening in the Special Ed Department, and he recommended me,” said Richter. “It was also an easy transition for me to come back and work full time.”
Although Richter didn’t know at first that he was going to end up teaching in his home town, he’s glad he ended up here.
“I think this community is tight knit, a smaller community that everyone seems to get along. I think that’s a strong statement,” he said.
Richter took a job in Kenosha, Wis. and switched jobs recently. But, he will still be coaching baseball in the spring and football next fall. Although he has a new job, “Once a Sequoit, always a Sequoit.”