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Novelli Teaches Choir College-Level Skills
Novelli Teaches Choir College-Level Skills

Novelli Teaches Choir College-Level Skills

Photo by Karen Pimpo
Novelli leads the Concert Choir B in one of their pieces entitled “Et in Terra Pax.”

The Antioch Community High School choirs got a special treat on Monday, Oct. 21 in the form of Eduardo Garcia-Novelli, a professor and choir director at Carthage College. Novelli critiqued and encouraged the students during their class on the eve of their fall concert on Oct. 22.

Novelli came to see the ACHS choirs, under the direction of Trey Hickey, a few times before in previous years. His visits allow the students to hear a new perspective on their songs from a professional level. Novelli typically offers constructive criticism as well as tips for the musicians in order to improve their sound.

Photo by Karen Pimpo
Novelli encourages the singers to be confident and sing out strong.

“Focus on technique,” said Novelli to the A Cappella Choir, asking the students to sing more precisely and with more dynamic contrast. He stressed that singers have to adapt to every new environment, such as the change from the choir room to the auditorium for a concert.

Last year, choir students were able to sing at Carthage in their chapel and enjoy the lovely acoustics as well as the experience of singing on a college campus. The ACHS choir program is always seeking to encourage excellence in its musicians through outside experience and professional expertise.

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The ACHS fall concert will be tomorrow, Oct. 22, at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.