Not a Goodbye, It’s a See You Later
Wilbur Borrero possibly concludes his final year as a coach as he nears retirement.
The 2018 wrestling season has come to a bittersweet end. As seniors RJ Vazquez, Alex Scheider, Russell Goodman and De’Andre Burns conclude their final year as Sequoit wrestlers, the team also has to struggle with the possible reality of their head coach leaving.
“If Borrero were to leave I feel that the team would definitely be different,” sophomore wrestler Brandon Pinto said. “Borrero is one of the sole reasons that we work as hard as we do. He has really pushed me to be the very best version of myself.”
Improving heavily from last year’s wrestling season, the team’s accomplishments and achievements would not be possible without Borrero. He has been coaching wrestling for 35 years and has made an impact on many of his athletes.
“I thought we had a really good season,” Borrero said. “[The wrestling team is] like a family. We had arguments here and there and we cried together, but it was fun.”
With the clock ticking, Borrero’s years of being a student dean are coming to an end, as he has decided to retire. However, the team still has high hopes that he may continue his coaching for a few more years to come.