David J. Phillip (Associated Press)
After a long season in the NCAA, 347 teams with dreams of winning the National Championship, put to the test just about every night, narrowed down to two teams yesterday. Villanova University and University of North Carolina withstood the test and craziness of March Madness and faced off in a battle April 4 to determine who was the best of the best — The National Champion.
UNC was second seed and initially the favorite to win. However, the tear that Villanova had been on throughout the tournament gave it a running change. After the 95 to 51 slaughter Villanova put on Oklahoma in the Final Four neatly set up Villanova’s eventual win over the top seed.
“I [wanted] UNC to win,” junior Josh Sidare said. “I think they’ve been the most dominant team throughout the tournament.”
In the closing seconds of the intense, rollercoaster-like final, North Carolina’s own senior point guard Marcus Paige sunk a double clutch 3-pointer to tie the game at 74. Villanova Head Coach Jay Wright then called a timeout with 4.7 seconds left to set up a heavily practiced play for junior Kris Jenkins. Jenkins inbounded the ball to teammate Ryan Arcidiacono who rushed down the floor and gave Jenkins an underhanded flip pass to Jenkins. He spotted up a good five feet behind the arc and swished the shot in the face of North Carolina’s Isaiah Hicks’ face.
In an interview with CBS, Jenkins recapped the final play by saying, “One, two step, shoot `em up, sleep in the streets.”
Only 1 team out of 347 accomplish their goal and ultimately fulfill every collegiate athlete’s dream by becoming a National Champion. Although the celebration is still in full force, come November, every team will start blank, 0-0.