The year of 2019 brought back lots of old fashion trends and still has trends going on that made their way in 2020. Most of these trends can be gender neutral, for example, sherpas or vans. Fashion trends can be influenced by popular figures like celebrities, musicians or even one’s peers. Trends can also come from past decades and are reworking their way to fit within modern taste. A very popular trend last year and starting this year is sherpas.
“I got a couple of new sherpas last year,” sophomore Megan Harding said. “I’m obsessed with them and love wearing them because they are trendy and keep me warm.
Sherpa jackets are also an article of clothing that can be gender neutral. Another well known trend is vans, that could be any color or design but most specifically white vans are worn by most people.
“I got a pair of white vans earlier in 2019,” junior Max Karellas said. “These shoes can be gender neutral and I like them because they match and look nice with everything.”’
White vans are known to be comfortable and match with anything. Animal print was a popular trend for women back in the 1960’s and now it is starting to become liked again. From leopard print to tigers and cheetahs, animal print will always be a bold choice of clothing that is liked by lots of people.
“I think animal print is super cute to wear out,” junior Ashley Piper said. “Whether it is a cheetah skirt, dress or even a scrunchie, it will look nice with whatever you pair it with.”
It seems that lots of trends that were popular in past eras are starting to make their way back to recent and current decades. Many trends are gender neutral and liked by lots of people and lots of trends are coming back and staying.