Life of a Screenwriter: T.C. DeWitt

The Kenosha-native brought entertainment to Antioch, Illinois.

The Storytellers Series is an event that Antioch Community High School has the luxury to participate in; it’s a week dedicated to writers, theatrical performers and musicians. Students learn how to take one’s interest in writing to the next level and in new directions. T.C. Dewitt, a successful screenwriter who has dedicated his whole life towards the arts, performed on Wednesday morning.

DeWitt has been writing since he was a young child. He started taking it seriously in high school. He would share story ideas with one of his close friends and they often turned them into comic strips.

“I thought it was pretty interesting that he has been writing since he was a young boy,” sophomore Dylan Kennedy said.

DeWitt grew up nearby in Kenosha, Wis., spent most of his life there and even went to college in Wisconsin. Once he graduated college he moved to Los Angeles in order to get his career as a writer started. He decided he wanted to become a screenwriter and he thought the best way to get introduced into the community was by starting of as an extra on television and in film. He recommends to anyone who also wants to be in the filmmaking industry to start off as an extra.

DeWitt admits that his road to becoming a successful screenwriter was a struggle. He says to never expect success when you first start your journey. The process is going to take time and be very aggravating at times. He says that there’s an essential triangle that plays a role in being successful: luck, talent and persistence. He went on to say that one really only needs to have two of these things. One can become successful with luck and talent or talent and persistence.