Kombucha: Is This Drink Worth It?

This drink is gaining popularity, but why?

Skyler Wackenhuth

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Kombucha is a drink that originated in China around 221 BC, if it has been around for so long, then why are people just now starting to drink it? Kombucha has many health benefits including, but not limited to, better digestion, increased pancreas function and it is a mood boosting agent. This drink sounds like the holy grail and senior Nolan Aschenbrener seems to agree.

“I heard about it and its benefits and I was interested,” Aschenbrener said. “I decided to get some and I enjoyed it so I continue to drink it.”

Kombucha seems like ‘liquid gold,’ are there any downsides? Although there are many health benefits, this health drink comes with a cost- the taste. This drink has been described as bitter and can be compared to apple cider vinegar, the smell of the drink is often described as gross, but the taste is nothing like the smell.

“It’s fermented so it tastes very vinegar-like,” Aschenbrener said. “It can be plain and bitter or sweet if fruit is added, which also adds to the carbonation.”

Since everybody is different, certain people can see more benefits than others. Some notice a mental effect while others notice physical effects.

“I’ve felt healthier and happier after drinking it,” Aschenbrener said.

This drink is becoming more and more popular, and even though it’s been around for centuries, why is it just now gaining popularity?

“I believe it’s because people are trying to find healthy options that have been looked over because of unpopularity,” Aschenbrener said.

It seems like this drink has been out of sight and out of mind for a lot of people, but now that it has gained popularity on the internet, people are flocking to at least try the taste of Kombucha.

This drink may not be for everyone, Kombucha has an acquired taste but can become sweet with added fruits and flavors. Kombucha is definitely something to try at least once to experience new flavors and benefits.

“I would definitely recommend it for a healthy drink that gives a new take on flavors and changes things up,” Aschenbrener said.