Joe Szynkowski at Writer’s Week 2018
Freelance writer Joe Szynkowski skyped in for a session with students.
Joe Szynkowski was not able to make his session for the second hour performance on Monday, April 2, 2018, but his portfolio of work was still displayed via a video blog he put together before the session. Szynkowski works from home as a freelance writer and is the Founder and Chief Writer of The UpWrite Group.
The UpWrite Group is home to the “Work Happy” blog and works with executives seeking personal branding materials. While Szynkowski lives in the Greater St. Louis region, he as a large team of C-level leaders for board appointments and executive recruiter attention stationed nationally. He also has 10+ years of professional experience in the writing field.
One of his biggest influences on Antioch is his writing and editing of senior resumes for business classes in partnership with TopResume, a Talent Inc. company.
In the end of his presentation, Szynkowski was able to FaceTime the group for a question and answer session.
While his workshop was cancelled, Szynkowski wanted to stress the importance of copyrighting and writing media for advertisements and marketing products.
“Honestly, I just thought it was boring,” senior Sarah Dubrowski said. “I like the end where he answered some of the questions because that was pretty insightful, but I just had to listen to what he was saying because I couldn’t hear what the people were asking.”
He had planned to create a simulation where students would have to create descriptions of products to persuade consumers to buy them. Although this did not occur, his information was helpful in inspiring students to pursue a successful career in freelance writing.
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