Jeffree Star’s New Makeup Palette Sparks Questions
As Jeffree Star announces his newest makeup palette, a question still remains about whether or not social media influencer products are a worthwhile purchase.
Jeffree Star began his career on social media. In his videos reviewing makeup, he expressed a passion for creativity. He eventually began his makeup line, Jeffree Star Cosmetics, and began living his dream creating makeup that he believes to be the best possible quality for his consumers. However, with greater quality also comes a greater price, and just like other social media influencers, Star receives mixed opinions from users online about his high prices.
His palettes average from $45-$52, according to his website, Jeffree Star Cosmetics. Many fans of Star also buy his products, but are conflicted as to whether or not it is worth it to pay such high amounts for this merchandise. Junior Madison Maish has purchased social media influencer products in the past, and believes they are worth the use she gets out of them.
“I would [recommend it], especially if you like the creator,” Maish said. “Be smart with your money and don’t do it if you don’t need it [or] can’t afford it.”
If someone is a big enough fan, they will most likely pay the high price, not only because they want the merchandise but because they know the money is going to a creator that they support. Sophomore Hannah Derenzo believes many people will pay more money for something that is brand name.
“You are definitely paying more for the brand or name attached to it, not necessarily the product,” Derenzo said. “However, I do think that if you look up to someone or just really want to support them and have the money to do so, it’s worth it.”
Amanda Krause wrote a review for Insider on Star’s most recent palette, Conspiracy, which he released with fellow influencer Shane Dawson. According to Pop Buzz, Conspiracy sold over one million units in just 30 minutes, crashing websites. Krause explains that she not only enjoyed the palette, but also believes it is a good way to support Star.
“I do understand why thousands of people eagerly purchased this makeup, and I think it’s great that there’s such a tangible way for viewers to support the YouTubers they love,” Krause said.
With his makeup receiving good reviews, and merchandise being a great way for fans to support their favorite creators, Star’s palettes will probably continue selling at high rates. Anticipation for his new palette, Bloodlust, is high, and consumers are ready to give Star their money when it releases today, February 21.