Graphic by Lauren Ponzetti
Antioch Community High School’s 2015 junior-senior Prom is taking place on Saturday May 9 from 6:30 P.M. until 11:30 P.M. at the Grand Geneva Resort in Lake Geneva, WI. The theme for Prom is “A Night in Paris” and tickets will be on sale on April 25 from 9 A.M. until 12 P.M. in the Main Office for $75 each, as well as April 28 and April 30 from 2:55 P.M. until 4 P.M. for $85 each. All outstanding fees must be paid prior to purchasing tickets and ticket applications as well as guest application forms must be complete before a ticket can be bought.
Tickets can be bought with cash or checks and checks must be made payable to ACHS. Refunds will not be given after April 30. All students and guests attending Prom must ride the charter buses to and from Prom and seats for tables and bus seats will be assigned in the order they are bought.
Guests attending must have the guest application form or the Lakes student application form completed and in the Dean’s office prior to buying tickets. The deadline to turn in guest application forms is April 17. Any form turned in after that date will be charged a $10 late fee.
Prom attire must be appropriate and follow the handbook guidelines. Tables are limited to 10 people each and only full tables are guaranteed seating. There will also be no rooms at Grand Geneva rented to students or family members of students the night of Prom. Students are to meet at ACHS at 5:00 P.M. and will be returning at 12:00 A.M.