Society today is conquered by teens on their phones and social media apps. All eyes glued on Twitter and other unimportant subjects that makes students today the “silent generation.”
Luckily, there are a special five students here at Antioch Community High School that break the smart phone obsessed teen stereotype. Students Kathryn Downey, Stanley Liu, Heather McNaughton, Nicole Peterson and Katherine Salmi read 24 books within the last year, winning a ticket into the ILC Hall of Fame.
The ILC Hall of Fame is a contest branched off of the Abraham Lincoln reading contest held by the ILC. Regularly, for the contest a student only needs to read four books off of the reading list in order to win prizes. With the ILC Hall of Fame the students that go above and beyond read every book on the reading list.
ILC Director Barbara Mason said, “I had some avid readers that had a great accomplishment of reading all 24 books, in addition to answering questions of the books they read they won an individual READ poster and a plaque. They really wanted a reading Hall of Fame, so it was great to offer something different within our reading contest.”
Amazon gift cards and being able to vote on favorite books are just a couple of the benefits that stem from the Abraham Lincoln reading contest. Sign-up for the Abraham Lincoln reading contest is in the ILC. Sign up for a new opportunity and reading experience.