If You Could Have One Superpower, What Would It Be?

A pie graph representing the number of students at ACHS who vote for their preferred superpower.
November 3, 2014
Our generation grew up watching television shows where the main character always had some sort of cool super power: super strength, X-Ray vision, invisibility, etc. When we were young, our fantasies consisted of flying above the treetops and lifting cars off of the street with our bare hands, but now that we’re older, we know that those fantasies are only dreams.
If you could pick to have one superpower that you remember from your childhood, which one would you choose?
Sophomore Kevin Vettesse said, “I would want to be able to teleport because then I could go anywhere at any second.”
On the other hand, some students chose other superpowers.
“Being able to freeze time would be cool because you could do anything you wanted and not get caught,” said sophomore Matthew Rowe.
Based on a poll of ACHS students, 23 percent chose the ability to freeze time, which was the most picked. The least voted superpowers were x-ray vision and super strength; two superpowers that we are used to hearing about from our childhood. Even though we are teenagers, we can all admit to the fact that having a superpower would be pretty awesome.