How To Make A Thanksgiving Table Festive
With this simple recipe for a cornucopia, your table-center is guaranteed to cause a ruckus.
In the midst of the holiday season, bringing something amazing to family gatherings is key. This recipe, based off HGTV, is guaranteed to beat out your Aunt Becky’s sweet potatoes every time.
- Flour
- Refrigerated Pillsbury Crescent Rolls or French bread dough
- Aluminum foil
- 1 Egg
- 2 ½ tablespoons of water
- Non-stick cooking spray
1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees for Crescent Rolls and 450 degrees for French bread.
2) Fold aluminum foil into a square and roll into a cornucopia shape.
3) Reinforce cornucopia by stuffing with more aluminum foil, place cornucopia on greased cookie sheet. Roll out dough and cut into six even strips.
4) Spray cornucopia and thoroughly with non-stick cooking spray.
5) Beginning at the thin end of the cornucopia, wrap the strips around, overlapping them until you reach the mouth of the cornucopia. Alexandra Rapp
6) Whisk one egg into a small bowl and add two and a half tablespoons of water.
7) Brush egg and water mixture over the cornucopia generously.
8) Cut remaining dough into three even strips and braid together.
9) Wrap braided dough around mouth of the cornucopia, brush with egg and water mixture.
10) If desired: using a cookie cutter, cut out leaf shapes and lay onto the cornucopia, brush with egg and water mixture.
11) Bake 13 minutes for crescent dough, or 45 minutes for french bread.
12) Fill cornucopia and enjoy.
“I would definitely make this,” sophomore Madison Shepard said. “It seems like a classy thing to bring to a simple or extravagant get together.”
With this easy recipe, you can create a gorgeous yet simple dish to win the holidays every time.
According to The Ribbon In My Journal, the cornucopia is a symbol of abundance from Greek mythology. With this easy recipe, you can create a gorgeous, yet simple symbol of abundance to win the holidays every time.

Her favorite quote is "She wasn't looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword." - atticus.