2016 VMAs Highlight Past, Present, Future of Industry

This year’s VMA’s left fans speechless as rising artists performed and countless awards were received.

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Rihanna receives Video Vanguard Award from Drake.

The 2016 MTV Video Music Awards were held on August 28, 2016 at Madison Square Garden in Manhattan. The show was full of surprises and amazing performances by many artists.

One of the many star performers included Britney Spears, who returned to the stage for the first time since 2007. The pop singer left her audience in awe as she performed her new single, “Make Me” with guess star G-Easy.

With a classic stage performance of of her biggest hits “Where Have You Been,” “Work,” and “We Found Love,” Rihanna was another highlight of the MTV show schedule. The crowd was also left cheering in awe as Drake came out to give her the Video Vanguard Award along with a short speech in which he stated, “She [Rihanna] is someone I have been in love with since I was 22 years old.”

“I loved Rihanna’s performance and I liked how everyone there was in good spirits,” senior Taylor Comer said.

In an effort to display their skills as a duet, Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande took the stage together while performing “Side To Side.” The beginning of the performance consisted of Ariana directing a spin class, while Nicki met up with her as they moved around the “gym”.

“I think Nicki Minaj looked hot, like always, and Beyonce was phenomenally outstanding with her take of the big show,” junior Lakiahra Williams said.

Ending the night with a bang, Beyonce bravely walked the red carpet with various American mothers by her side, demonstrating her support for those whose children were victims of gun violence. Queen Bey performed several of her “Lemonade” top hits, which landed her another Moon Man Trophy as well as Video Of The Year Award for her song “Formation.”
The MTV Awards displayed various rising stars and guest artists throughout the course of its show, and awarded many on their increasingly popular hits, making way for another year of rising popularity in music.