Halloween Costumes and Fun
Something spooky or spunky, choose wisely.
Halloween is a time to cherish old and new memories. Initially, it is a time where children dress up and walk door-to-door for candy. As one grows older, Halloween evolves into a tradition of parties with costumes and pumpkins. Costumes are a great way express oneself and have fun with friends. Costumes can be group oriented or individualized.
“One year my cousin and I dressed up as the cat burglar and it was one of my favorite costumes,” senior Sydney Kraus said.
Costumes make Halloween exciting and are a fun trend to see and talk about. Costumes are especially fun if there is that one friend that likes to scare the socks off of everyone.
“I love doing fun makeup and getting to look like something different! This is my favorite time of year,” Kraus said.
Costumes are unique because they can be bought or made by hand. They are an outlet for people to show expression and have fun. It gives you the opportunity to be someone different for a day.
“Since I was little, my mom would always take my sister and I to pick out the perfect costume and ever since it has been a tradition,” Kraus said.
Whether dressing in a group theme or an individual costume, costumes are a fun way to take on another persona and steal the night away. Halloween brings friends and families together with candy, costumes and fun traditions.