The cheerleading season is slowly coming to a close with a sixth place finish in sectionals over the weekend. Although the team had a tough loss, they cared more about their teammates instead of going to state. Seniors Courtney Carley, Samantha Daniels, Sinclair Guntharp, Emma Daniels and Lindsey Horn unfortunately won’t be able to return next year in hopes of making it to state, but hope the team’s love towards each other is something that continues into the upcoming year.
Last night Twitter feeds overflowed with the hashtag #GwinnForGood. The varsity cheerleaders asked other Antioch students to tweet the hash tag to bring awareness to Robin Gwinn staying to coach for more years. Junior Marissa Grant shared with senior Sinclair Guntharp that she wanted a hashtag to trend on twitter to keep Gwinn around as a coach. Guntharp came up with the phrase “Gwinn for good” and says that is much more than just keeping their favorite coach around.
“#GwinnforGood is basically a hashtag we started to get our coach, Robin Gwinn, to stay as our coach. We want Rob, who’s undoubtedly the best coach in Illinois to stay and lead ACHS Cheer to the podium next year at IHSA State. #GwinnforGood isn’t just a hashtag to keep our coach, it’s a movement to keep a tradition at Antioch Community High School, and reach equality for cheer in the world of high school athletics,” said Guntharp.
Returners have high hopes that Gwinn will stay to help them finish their last years feeling accomplished. Many of the girls know that cheer would not be the same without Robin.
“She has taught us to trust the process this year with everything thing that has happened to us. She has taught us to keep faith no matter what. Robin has honestly done wonders with us this year. We were left with nothing and she made us out of something. She never ever gave up on us and always believed in us. She has personally taught me to always believe in myself an keep faith. I know I can say this for the whole team, she has always taught us to kill with kindness,” said sophomore Amanda England.
Gwinn’s presence as coach was a blessing to all the girls on the team and they all feel that she has been much more than just their coach. Gwinn’s return midseason lead to a positive end to the season. The girls consider their coach one of their greatest inspirations.
“Personally, nobody inspires me too be a better athlete, student, and overall well rounded human than Robin Gwinn. She makes me want to push through anything else that’s going on in my life to be able to perform to the standard she sets forth for us. She touches the lives of people she’s only met once. I can’t imagine cheering without her coaching me next year,” said junior Melissa Nettgen.
Gwinn has shaped the cheerleading program at Antioch to be the best of the best and no one could compare to the work she has put into the program in all the years she has coached.
“It’s always a little cliche to hashtag things, but I never thought this many people would actually use it. After seeing how much #GwinnForGood is being used makes it seem so real now! After seeing how much it is now being used is amazing for all of us to see,” said Grant.
mikayla Christian • Feb 4, 2014 at 3:34 pm
Thanks for acknowledging the story. It is greatly appreciated by us cheerleaders. But there is a minor problem in this article. We took 6th place at sectionals and lost 5th place by 2/10th of a point rather than 9th place. Just wanted to make everything straight!
thanks again!!!!