Girls Bowling is Ready to Host Regionals

Girls bowling hope to progress further in their season after a successful win at conference.

Lynn Michalec

Bowling bags are open and ready for regionals meet.

After placing first in conference, the girls bowling team will move onto regionals this Saturday, February 2, at Antioch Lanes starting at 9 a.m. Six varsity bowlers will compete for the Sequoits along with a few alternatives. Every athlete has the same goal: qualify for sectionals and get one step closer to state.

Despite the snow and cold days this week, the team practiced and prepared for Saturday’s very important meet.

“This is our house and we practice on it every day,” freshman Allyssa Tanner said.

Along with practice comes the preparation for different lane conditions and working on certain game situations that will contribute to an overall greater performance.

“Some things we are working on is our spares because spares can make or break your game,” Tanner said. “We are also working on how to play when there is no oil on the lanes, or in other words, it’s dry on the lanes.”

The team also works on more of the little things a bowler may usually not think twice about but will be beneficial in perfecting their game.

“It’s about focusing on simple things and avoiding all the mistakes we can in order to qualify for sectionals again this year,” junior Maya Schon said.

With several teams coming to compete both in and out of the NLCC conference, it is essential that the team is prepared.

“They’re all strong teams that we will have to work hard to beat,” junior Allison Kane said.

Regardless of the other teams, knowing the strengths of their team and what works best for them individually and as a team is key.

“Each team is different in the way they behave and the way they prepare,” Schon said. “Some teams are always staying positive and cheering for their teammates and other teams are solely focused on getting the job done.”

No matter what the circumstances are, each athlete brings their best effort to the lanes, especially when it comes qualifying for sectionals and state.

“You should expect everyone to be on their A game and doing everything they can to qualify for sectionals,” Schon said. “This is the time where everyone’s best comes out and it’s all or nothing.”

During the regionals meet, the team will also have a bake sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to raise money for new uniforms by selling each treat for one dollar in the foyer.