Having Sequoit Pride, school spirit and getting involved can be the best way to maximize a students high school experience.
September 12, 2019
School spirit can be one of the best ways for students to create everlasting memories and have the best four years of their life. Participating in school events can not only make students’ personal highschool experiences more exciting, but it makes the environment as a whole more lively. There are many ways students can get involved at Antioch Community High School. There are over 20 clubs and activities available to participate in, and 24 sports to participate in.
“I have always heard that high school is the best four years of your life,” sophomore Hadde Luebke said. “By participating and having school spirit, I feel like that statement could not be more true.”
Whether one goes to Friday night football games and dresses up for the theme of the week, or participates in any club or activity, there is always a way to maximize one’s high school experience.
“If I could give any advice to people that aren’t involved, it would have to be to just go crazy and have fun when going to games or events,” junior Desirée DuPont said. “Put on some face paint, or dress according to the themes.”
Most say that in the blink of an eye, high school will come to an end. In the four years a student is given, some claim they have to create as many memories as they can.
“I want to be involved as much as possible for my senior year,” senior Daniel McPherson said. “When this year is over, I will look back and want to remember all the memories I created.”
Many people state that high school is the time for students to find their purpose, create everlasting memories, and have experiences of a lifetime. Some would say a student needs to get involved in as many activities and sports as they can, because their time as a Sequoit will be over before they know it. An added benefit is that statistics prove that the more one is involved in, the higher their GPA. Having school spirit, getting involved, and having Sequoit Pride is the best way to create memories of a lifetime in highschool.
Faculty participation in school spirit can make the high school environment more fun, energetic and exciting.
Two of the ACHS teachers dressing up for the themes of the football games and making the back to school assembly more energetic.
School spirit does not only involve the students, but the teachers as well. It can be very important for the faculty of a school to get involved in activities, especially when it comes to school pride and spirit. The staff at Antioch Community High School is a perfect example of an involved and fun faculty. ACHS has many traditions. An example of this is “High Five Friday”; A different teaching department stands outside the athletic entrance and gives every single student a high five before entering the building, or even the pep assemblies before big events. Most of these traditions include the staff; they make these traditions fun and have lots of spirit while participating.
“When teachers participate in fun activities, it makes the environment more fun and exciting,” junior Madison Merril said. “When you see the teachers doing something crazy, it makes students more comfortable to join them.”
Teachers at ACHS put forth a great amount of effort to have the best relationship with their students as possible. Stefan Pfautz, ACHS art teacher and Cardinal Crazies sponsor, believes that a relationship between a teacher and a student is essential for benefiting the student.
“What’s most effective for me is just talking to my students and asking them what they are involved in,” Pfautz said. “I like to sort of celebrate the kids in my class who are getting ready for something.”
Each teacher at ACHS has their own way of making students comfortable and creating a special bond with them. Pfautz believes that Antioch does a great job with teacher involvement, but there is always room for improvement.
“It’s important for teachers to get involved because it gives students more motivation and it shows that the faculty cares,” sophomore Ariana Nikolov said. “They cause the students to be more excited for school events.”
ACHS students feel more involved and excited when having teachers participate in school spirit and school activities. It makes the energy of the school more up lifting. Faculty participation can be an essential way for getting more students involved and ready to show school spirit.
Getting involved makes the town of Antioch closer and more energetic.
School spirit may not only involve the students and faculty, but the whole community as well. Antioch is known to be a very small town, but the people in the community all participate in school activities and show their Sequoit pride. Many Antioch Community High School alumni decide to raise their families in Antioch due to the bond and love in the community. Angela Conrad, ACHS alumna and Football Mom to Antioch Vikings Youth Football program, has many family roots in Antioch and decided to raise her children and family in Antioch.
“I moved back to the neighborhood I grew up in because this beautiful town had my family’s roots, heart and soul for generations,” Conrad said. “I have lived in numerous other places, but Antioch is the only place I could ever call home.”
The students of ACHS recognize and acknowledge the support of the community. When friends and family come to sporting and school events, an amazing energy can be felt and students can feel that the community cares.
“It is super cool seeing all the friends and family supporting the Sequoits,” junior Maximus Karellas said. “It shows that we can come together as a community and support each other.”
Not only does the community come and support the Sequoits, but many people have a helping hand in what the Sequoits do. There are many parents that support the Sequoit Football team and provide food for them, known as the “Football Moms”, they would do anything to help ACHS. Sue Day, Football Mom and photographer to the ACHS Varsity Football team, shows her Sequoit spirit by coming to every game and taking pictures on the sidelines.
“I love capturing pictures of the boys that they can’t wait to post on Instagram,” Day said. “Or being there when one of the boys has a great play and comes off the field excited about their accomplishment.”
The Antioch community shows great love and care for the Sequoits. With a close community, the students of ACHS feel supported by everyone. These connections make the school more energetic and seem like a family.