Get to know Trillium Yoga
Trillium Yoga is a local business in Antioch that more people should know about.
There are many local companies in the town of Antioch. Trillium Yoga originally started out as Blu Rain Yoga until it evolved in July of 2017. Owner Sara Thomas gave insight on how everything became a whole.
“I wanted to continue to offer yoga in this community,” Thomas said. “As an instructor and owner I am doing my best to help people understand the many benefits of the practice.”
The idea of Trillium Yoga came from Thomas herself. There was an opened location to move her business into right in the town along with Antioch being her hometown.
“As a former kindergarten teacher for District 34, I’d love to someday teach mindfulness in the classroom,” Thomas said.
With the growth of Trillium Yoga, Thomas is hopefully someday expanding her business into multiple locations to give the insight of something she loves to do. Trillium Yoga is located right in Antioch that is on the rise from where she started her business.