German Club Kicks Off Their School Year
The first official German Club meeting of the year discusses Oktoberfest, T-shirts and fundraising.
Details of the plans for the German Club are displayed on a screen for members to see.
October 1, 2014
On Tuesday, Sept. 30, the Antioch Community High School German Club held an after school meeting at 3 p.m. to discuss future plans for the club. At the meeting, ACHS German teacher and German Club adviser Dani Katz and German Club President Meghan Petrowski discussed topics such as Oktoberfest, club T-shirts and fundraising plans.
Oktoberfest, a traditional event that the club celebrates, is coming up in the near future. German Club members will be celebrating Oktoberfest by taking a traditional trip to Gerhard’s Restaurant in Kenosha on Oct. 22 from 3:15 to 6:15. The cost for German Club members is $12 and for non-members the cost is $24. A student can become a member anytime.
The meeting also covered the topic of German Club T-shirts. Shirts will be available later in the year, and design choices are currently being made. Like International Club in previous years, German Club will be raising funds by selling the Swiss chocolate, Toblerone, to students for $2 a bar. Food was served throughout the meeting, and members enjoyed discussing the plans for the year ahead.