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Four Wrestlers Honored at Senior Night
Four Wrestlers Honored at Senior Night

Four Wrestlers Honored at Senior Night

In every year and every sport, there comes a time when the seniors are recognized for all they have done,  from their very first practice to their very last performance. The Sequoit wrestlers won their meet last Thurs., Jan. 16 against Wauconda, with a final score of 48-30. This was a perfect way for the seniors to not only be honored, but to end the night with a “bang.” Zac Keller, a senior who wrestled for Antioch since his freshman year had quite an experience in his four years.

It has been a trip, from rough starts to injuries, and these final matches for state will be ultimately what makes my whole 13 year career,” said Keller. The group of seniors this year is small, consisting only of Timothy Regan, Briley Schultz, Kyle Nichols and Zac Keller.

The boys have their next tournament on Fri., Jan. 24  at 6 p.m at Round Lake High School. The following weekend, the NSC Conference Meet will take place on Fri., Jan. 31 and Sat., Feb. 1 at Vernon Hills High School.


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