Foote Swings for the Fences
Girls tennis is a sport that typically flies under the radar, but senior Piper Foote hopes to change that in the 2018 girls tennis season. The upcoming fall season marks Foote’s fourth year as a Sequoit tennis player. In 2015, Foote’s freshman year, tennis became a passion as she tried out for the team for the first time. Foote started on the JV team her first year, but quickly became a varsity athlete in her sophomore season. Foote has remained on the varsity team since then, alongside her doubles partner, senior Megan Lawrence. Each year, improving and having fun are what is most important to Foote.
“[Playing with Piper] makes the sport way more enjoyable because we help each other out when we are down and learn from each other,” Lawrence said.
Foote loves being on the court and strives to always be her best both in tennis and in the other sports that she plays. Foote is a three-sport athlete with softball and basketball making up the remainder of the triad. Although she sees softball as her primary sport, Foote also places lots of importance on her performance as a tennis player and a role model.
“I really want to try to help the younger girls who don’t have any tennis experience this year because I remember being in their shoes on my first day and how daunting it was,” Foote said.
Even though this is P. Foote’s last season playing tennis, her athletic career is not over. Foote looks forward to continuing in softball at Western Illinois University, where she earned a scholarship last year with her exemplary efforts both on the field and in the classroom.
“I’m really proud of how hard Piper has worked in school and in sports to get everything she’s earned,” Valerie Foote, mother of Piper, said.
Although Foote had many accomplishments so far in her athletic career, she hopes to add a state tennis title to her resume this season. Until then, Foote continues to play with passion in all her sports.

His favorite quote is: "If you never admit you're wrong, you're never wrong."