Disc golf was introduced to sports environments by Steady Ed Headrick in the early 1960s. Being a very similar concept to golf, it instead entails throwing with specific disc golf frisbees and has baskets with chains as one would consider “holes” on a course. There are many different ways to enhance the technique of playing disc golf.
Disc golf has been growing in popularity in recent years. This activity at Antioch Community High School has grown immensely and has gotten many new members this fall. Students and athletes from different backgrounds and interests come to play disc golf as a fun activity. This club has very low stakes and is a great way to enjoy the fall or spring air. The disc golf club at ACHS originated about four years ago, starting with the first presidents, alumnus Sydney Tindel and Ashley Lubkeman. This year, the disc golf club has been more pronounced than ever. There are currently 22 members a part of the disc golf club, and all members enjoy having each other’s company while playing. Stephen Pfautz is an art teacher at ACHS and has had a passion for disc golf since high school. Pfautz has a lot of knowledge about the techniques that go beyond the basics of disc golf.
“Disc golf has a little more power and you can throw much harder and not worry about it,” Pfautz said.
There are many new members apart of the Disc Golf Club who have never played before and still can ease into the basics. On the contrary, freshman Deven Matthews at ACHS is a born natural at playing disc golf. Matthews has been playing since day one and learned from his father, who is a professional disc golfer. Matthew’s father has played for about 16 years and shared his passion with his son. His passion grew immensely as he went out of his way to practice on his own time four to five times a week. Because Matthew has been playing for a long time, so he has a plentiful knowledge of disc golf.
“To warm up, I usually just practice holes before long holes and try to get my arm warmed up,” Matthews said. “I go to a basket for one of the holes and just putt a little bit to practice too.”
The growth of this club has made an ever-lasting impact on students at ACHS. The environment the students surround themselves in makes the social aspect of this activity enjoyable. Getting involved in this club is very simple; there is an open door to welcome new members who want to join the fun.