Flannel Fanatics
The ever-lasting trend of plaid printed fabric.
On your way to class, try and notice the amount of people wearing flannels; the slang term for plaid printed fabric. You will notice that the number might be higher than expected. This is because among the students and staff, flannels are a very popular wardrobe choice.
Not only are flannels an easy outfit to quickly pick out, they are also comfortable and affordable. They can be purchased from anywhere from a Walmart to an American Eagle. Many Sequoits can be found wearing a flannel paired with numerous options that go with it.
“I usually try to pair with some khakis and any shoes that would match the flannel,” senior Eric Ascencion said.
Ascension, has been wearing flannels since the eighth grade. He does not have a preference of where he buys his flannels from, as long as the price is reasonable and the style of the flannel is to his liking.
“My favorite flannel to wear is a salmon color with beige buttons,” Ascension said.
Flannels can be worn in multiple ways: buttoned up, buttoned down, tucked in, as a jacket and around the waste. With trends constantly changing, flannels have always been an ACHS favorite. Especially with the weather getting cooler, more and more flannels will start to be seen around the school. Do not be quick to judge this unique trend. Once you get your hands on a flannel, you will understand why everyone loves them.
So next time you are in the hallway on your way to class, look closely, what do you see?