Five Ways to Stay Healthy and Fit Over Spring Break
While one may find it easy to neglect exercise and eating healthy over break, here are five easy ways to ensure one stays in good standing over spring break.
Spring break is often thought of as a time to unwind and relax. Some travel, some sleep in everyday and some take each day as it comes. However, just because it is spring break does not mean health can be neglected. While eating as much junk food as one can consume over break may sound like a great idea, it comes with repercussions. Here are some ways to still eat tasty foods but still stay healthy:
1) Take a walk
Whether someone is away on vacation or staying home this break, going out for a walk has many benefits. While on vacation, walking around opens up many new opportunities to discover new places or enjoy the scenery while still adding an element of exercise; which is often neglected while away on vacation.
2) Join a gym
Spring Break is a great time to sign-up for a gym membership and get into a new routine. This one is fun because it can be done with a friend or by yourself, from at home or in a hotel. Many hotel have gyms for the guests to use free of charge which is great considering most people go on vacation. Staying at home opens up an array of options, if someone can not commit to joining a gym or the membership fee seems unnecessary at-home workouts can easily be done by looking up inspiration online.
3) Substitute unhealthy ingredients for healthy ones
This is one of the easiest ways to make a change in one’s health routine over break. Something as simple as choosing wheat or whole grain bread over white bread, or using 2% or lowfat milk over whole milk. There are endless options when it comes to substituting unhealthy ingredients for healthy ones while still eating the meals one is accustomed to.
4) Go outside
Spring break is around the time warm weather starts to roll in, meaning it is a good opportunity to head outside for a little bit each day. This one is a breeze for those on vacation as most vacations are spent out and about. For those staying home it, is as simple as heading out to the local park or a backyard for a little fitness. If you have siblings invite them out with you and conjure up a way to be active outside.
5) Stay active
While it is easy to get pent up indoors in the winter since the weather can be harsh (and especially here in the midwest), Spring Break is the time to put the cellphone down,log off of the computer and shut the TV off. Getting offline and being active for even just an hour a day can greatly increase a person’s health.