Finding Mid-Semester Motivation

The quick cures to a slumped Sequoit.

More stories from Joy Crawford

Choir S.A.F.E.
October 31, 2018

Living in the United States as a teenager today is starting to feel like quite a task with the twisted rules of society, expectations of families and the standards of teachers and peers. Often, teenagers need to take a break and step back to look at all of the good things in life. Below, are a few ways to find motivation when the school year drags on. Keep in mind: a good playlist can make everything better.

Pick Up a New Hobby.

When weeks feel like they’re a never ending loop, finding a new way to spend spare time can give just the right amount of positive light back into life. When I start to feel as if I was just a body and not a soul, I began to write. I wrote everyday and every night. But that isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. Maybe your heart calls out louder to the fine arts, maybe it calls out to videos of other people taking part in fine arts. When you have some free time, try to find something new and interesting to do.

Start a Project.

The idea of a ‘project’ means something different to everyone. A project can be a craft, a song, a novel or even a new campaign supporting marine life that we forget about — whatever this project might be, when you find yourself with some free time put more thought into this idea. You have to start somewhere. In the meantime, find a good playlist to amp up your work.


Write out what you’re grateful for.

Often times, students recall feeling drained when the seasons begin to change. As a matter of fact, some people are already counting down the weeks until winter break. However, there is a way to escape this feeling. The easiest way to write out gratitudes is to simply do it. Gather up a list of the things that you’re thankful for and reasons why — then do with it what you will. This does not, by any means, have to be something that you broadcast to the world. But you there is a good chance that you’ll feel comforted with a visible reminder of things that keep you going.


Set goals for yourself.

Although goal setting is usually done before something begins, it can also be helpful to boost your spirits. Setting goals for the studying or grades you want to end the semester with can be a big source of motivation and might even bring some good light into your life.