Finding Dory Was the Best Movie of Summer 2016
A recap on one of the best movies that premiered this summer.
Summer 2016 was the year that marked a new set of exciting ideas to finally come out on the big screen. These movies included the new addition to the DC Comics cinematic universe Suicide Squad, along with the reimagined look for the movie Ghostbusters. While there are many more to list off the movie that took the name for being the best was the the loving sequel to Finding Nemo was Finding Dory.
This movie had been a Pixar favorite long overdue by many fans of the first movie. Starring voice actors Ellen DeGeneres as the lovable blue tang Dory, Albert Brooks as the clownfish Marlin, and Ed O’Neill from ABC’s Modern Family as Hank the octopus. Rating a 94 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, Finding Dory warmed the hearts of many of its viewers, including those of the students.
“It was amazingly cute and funny,” said Senior Amanda Pierce.
“I was very excited to see the film because it was my favorite movie as a kid,” said Senior Claire Holston. “It was also very cute and clever.”
Let us just say that Finding Dory earned a special little place as the best movie of summer 2016.