Field hockey traveled to St.Louis to take part in a tournament from September 2 to September 3 seeking a victory. In the first of three games, the lady Sequoits faced Rockwood Summit (from Missouri) and lost a close match 1-0. The Sequoits were looking for someone to step up and make a change and that is exactly what freshman Sarah Smith did.
“As we got ready to compete,” Smith said. “We reviewed things that we did not do so well in previous games and worked to improve them.”
After reviewing what needed to be done, the lady Sequoits took it into action, tying 0-0 against Parkway South (from Missouri). In their final match against Arrowhead (from Wisconsin) the game did not go as the Sequoits had planned, losing 6-0. “We need to work on our communication,” senior Paige Hope said. “We’ve learned that the more we talk, the better we play as a team.”
The lady Sequoits believe that they are improving every game that they play and are excited to see where their team work will take them this season.