FAMOUS FRIDAY: Small Girl, Big Heart

Senior Hanna Mihovilovich sticks to who she is: one small girl with one big heart.

Johnny Horton

Senior Mihovilovich gets ready to serve.

Nathan Borries, Senior Editor

When it comes to anything, size doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter how tall you are; it doesn’t matter how big you are. What matters is what is inside of you.

The only thing in which size does matter is heart. Having a big heart is something that sticks out. And lucky for Antioch Community High School senior and Varsity volleyball player Hanna Mihovilovich, she has one.

Having a big heart doesn’t mean that you have to love everyone. It means that you are proud of who you are. Mihovilovich truly sticks to herself.

One of Mihovilovich’s friends agreed.

“I love Hanna because she is always loyal and honest. I love her ability to be so independent. She isn’t swayed by anybody. She is her own person and not going to change if anyone wantes her to be a certain way,” said senior Bella Hoffman. “Also, she works really hard in every single thing she does.”

Loyal. Dedicated. Independent.

It is often hard to balance the three, especially with a full high school schedule. On top of that, Mihovilovich is very involved in ACHS. She is part of the Cardinal Crazies, Hubbard’s Cupboard, National Honors Society and Spanish Club. She also was on the volleyball team for the past two years.

However, one thing she always has time for is talking.

“I’m a talker. Whether it is funny or serious, I am always talking. I always ask someone what is wrong and if they don’t answer I’ll just keep asking,”  said Mihovilovich. “I am a little person with an even bigger voice.”

When you hear the girl down in the front of the football games leading cheers, it is Mihovilovich.

When you can’t stop laughing because of something someone said, it is Mihovilovich.

When you are having trouble and someone is there, it is Mihovilovich.

Standing at 5’2”, Mihovilovich doesn’t let her size get in the way. Nothing can measure the amount of heart that she gives in everything she does. Mihovilovich truly is a small girl with one big heart.