Eye For an Eye

A new study could bring more facts about the Zika Virus to the surface.

Jayme Bailey

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There is a new study in mice showing that the Zika Virus may be able to persist in the eyes. The virus can live in the eyes and be transferred by tears in the mice, yet this could be different in humans. The new study is helping to explain why some Zika patients are developing eye diseases that are causing significant damage to their eyesight.

So far the virus has not caused any significant panic within the school, or most of Illinois for that matter.

“I’m not really affected by it, it’s kinda like every other major ‘epidemic’ we’ve went through as a country,” special education aide Frank Fracek said.

Eye Infection could be a good symptom of the Zika Virus, but many students are not worried by this.

“It is not that scary since there are not that many cases in Illinois yet,” senior Stanley Liu said. “Plus eye infections are not that common anyways.”

As we learn more about the Zika Virus, hopefully the faster we can cure it. At this point, the virus is still very new to the United States and all we can do is wait.