The Seqouits begin warming up for their tryouts.
Returning from a successful season, the Antioch community high school 2022 Sequoits are ready for another run. Tryouts will last six days. They will be held on Feb. 28 until March 5. Each day the coaches specifically pay attention to certain aspects of the game.
“Day one we record measurables such as overhand throwing speed, home to first base time, and exit velocity as well as take an initial look at hitting and defense. Day two-three we work on scenarios and live pitching,” head coach Rocco said. “Day four we look at players at their specific positions from junior varsity to varsity. Days five-six are more like practices to see how the student athlete does in a team setting. Lastly, on Day six we assess what level each athlete will begin on.”
When athletes are told they will start on a specific team, it does not always mean that their position on that team is permanent during the duration of the season. This means the team they are assigned to isn’t always permanent.
“One thing we do successfully is move players between levels to optimize playing time and fill specific team needs,” Rocco said. “Some of my best players when they were Freshman or Sophomore have played on all three levels during the season.”
Moving players around gives the athletes more playing opportunities and creates more bonds between the athletes. As the days advance closer to the tryout date, coaches and athletes will begin their preparation. While they move into the new season coaches, athletes and fans are full of joy and excitement considering last year’s record.
“I’m excited for the season to start, we are ranked number 2 ICA preseason poll in state for class 3A. Last year we led the state in home runs, won the conference, regional, and sectional championship but fell short of state by one game,” Rocco said.
Each year, senior athletes graduate and the team loses many players. This year Antioch is lucky enough to still have one last year with our two future Big Ten athletes.
“Even though we graduated three outstanding defensive players, we return seven starters including future Big Ten players Gabby Debevec who is signed with Illinois, Eden Echevarria who is a Wisconsin commit and all three of our pitchers. I am looking forward to seeing how our players improved over the off-season to fill starting positions or roles on our team. It’s an exciting time to be a Sequoit softball player and fan,” Rocco said.
Tryouts are approaching and while athletes begin their preparation, coaches and fans are thrilled to experience another successful season.