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EDITOR'S NOTE: Sequoits Shine with Respect, Responsibility and Pride
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sequoits Shine with Respect, Responsibility and Pride

EDITOR’S NOTE: Sequoits Shine with Respect, Responsibility and Pride

In recent years, ACHS has adopted the words “respectful,” “responsible” and “proud” to serve as a guideline for what Sequoits should strive to be. This motto is part of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative that encourages praise for positive behavior instead of constantly focusing on punishing negative behavior. Students are rewarded for actions that help promote a clean, safe and productive environment around the school.

Posters emblazoned with these three key words can be seen in nearly every classroom and in various hallways around ACHS. They exemplify actions such as cleaning up after yourself, following library and computer lab rules and using time effectively to improve your academics. While these examples are definitely things that can help to promote a better school environment, I think that the Sequoits of ACHS take the meaning behind “respectful, responsible and proud” even further. Countless students use their own, precious free time to make both ACHS and the town of Antioch a better place to live and to go to school.

While teachers may not be able to give out Sequoit slips for every good thing students do, especially outside the walls of ACHS, the students featured in this issue definitely deserve a few Sequoit slips, even if they’re just the metaphorical kind. From the Cardinal Crazies who bring never-ending support for our athletic teams, to students devoted to donating their time to volunteer operations and even students working to make ACHS more accepting of diversity, Sequoits are constantly showing their respect, responsibility and pride and encouraging others to do the same.

The Tom Tom has recognized this mentality and we are excited to present this issue full of examples of how Sequoits are going above and beyond expectations every single day. I am also eager to introduce the Tom Tom’s newest mission, the ONE|SEQUOIT project. With the 100th anniversary of ACHS coming up next year, the Tom Tom has decided to take on this project in which we will feature various Sequoits and ACHS’s impact on the community in its 100 years of existence. Each print issue will feature one Sequoit that is currently a student at ACHS, while the many others we talk to will be featured on our website ( through video, photos and brief articles. The ACHS Sequoits you will find online are alumni of the school, each representing a facet of what ACHS did for their future. Our goal is to discover the various ways in which ACHS has affected the many different people that have come through its doors. Come December, check online for our first set of projects that will feature alumni teachers and staff members of ACHS.

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As much as I love the idea of an issue dedicated to the support Sequoits give ACHS, I am even more excited to be able to continuously uncover ways in which ACHS has affected Sequoits, and vice versa, through the ONE|SEQUOIT project. You can continue to follow the ONE|SEQUOIT project (and other happenings around Antioch) on our website and through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook! We love to hear from you, and we hope to continue connecting our past, present and future of ACHS.