Easter DIY Wreath

A ten minute super cute easter decoration.

Spring is a season full of pastel colors and fun activities. Everywhere one looks there is easter eggs and a plethora of bunny-shaped candies. With every holiday, including Easter, comes very overpriced decorations. Here is an easy Do-It-Yourself Easter egg wreath that won’t take up too much time or effort.

First gather all the materials: 4 bags of eater eggs, an 18″ straw wreath, a hot glue gun, glue sticks, scissors and any color ribbon.

After gathering all of the materials carefully start to glue all of the easter eggs around the wreath. Layer them on until the entire front of the wreath is covered. Let the glue dry and make sure none of the eggs are falling off.

Once the glue is dry and all the eggs are on, cut a couple inches of ribbon and make a bow to glue on the front of the wreath. After that, just simply cut some ribbon to wrap around the top of the wreath and hot glue the two ends together.

Now the wreath is ready to be hung! It is a quick and easy project to do. For more Easter DIY’s and gift ideas watch Bethany Mota’s spring video.