Do It Yourself: Crayon Drip Pumpkin Art
Decorating pumpkins for Halloween doesn’t have to be a sticky situation. Try this waxy trick and transform a simple vegetable into something remarkable.
Carving pumpkins can be messy, but crayon art offers a new and creative way to express the Halloween spirit.
- 1 white pumpkin (if fake, the pumpkin can be used year after year)
- Tacky Glue or Hot Glue gun
- 20 crayons (or enough to put around the stem of the pumpkin)
- Hair dryer
- Surface cover or trash bags
It is important to remove all labels from crayons because the paper will not melt. Also, break the crayons in half because the whole crayon is too long and will not melt as easily. The wax will most likely splatter, so cover the work area in trash bags or other coverings. I recommend doing this craft outside if possible.
Jessica Lamberty
- Glue crayons in whichever color sequence desired with Tacky Glue or a hot glue gun.
- Apply heat above the crayons with a hair dryer on high heat. Each crayon will take about 30 seconds to a minute to melt and drip down the side of the pumpkin.
Jessica Lamberty
It is best to start at the top of the crayon and follow the wax drippings with the hair dryer.
“I would do this pumpkin decor because it’s something different and it inspires people to do something new for Halloween,” junior Alexa Waheed said.
Sophomore Amber Podgorski agrees. “It’s cute and crafty,” said Podgorski.
Although it’s always fun to stick to traditions, give crayon art a shot and proudly display the masterpiece on Halloween. Remember, always be original.