Piercings have been around for many years and sometimes they can be expensive because you have to pay for the earrings, pay the person for doing it for you and then maybe tip that person if you are feeling nice. There is a way to do it at home that is sanitary and basically the same method that people use at professional places.
There are many ways to pierce your own ear, obviously, such as shoving a needle through with an ice cube to numb it and then pushing an earring through right after. That way, however, is not sanitary and could cause the piercing to become infected and possibly cause other problems later on. When piercing your ears, you have to make sure that the back is not on too tight to force the earring to become embedded into the ear. If this happens, the skin around that piercing could go overlap the earring and then surgery would be required to remove the earring.
Despite the possible consequences, senior Mitchel Kickert has gotten his ears pierced by just shoving a needle through his ears.
“I think using a gun would have been better because it would have been quicker rather than waiting in pain for the earring to go through my ear,” Kickert said.
On the flip side, senior Morgan Keefer has been the one to pierce someone else’s ears by using a needle.
“I think if you have the proper [necessities] for the piercings then you should be okay,” Keefer said. “But I think using a gun is safer then needle and fingers.”
Keefer has also mentioned that she would let someone do it to her ears, but she would just have to make sure that the needle was cleaned or new.
“I would want a professional to do my [ear piercing] unless one of my friends had a [piercing] gun,” senior Lauren Placuszok said.
When in mentioning that it could be unsanitary and not a safe way Placuszok had thought that it would be better to get it professionally done rather than taking risks and not having something go the right way.
When in doing a DIY ear piercings the typical way of doing it is just shoving a needle through the persons ear, but there are much more sanitary ways in doing it and may not run into such pain and not having as many risks.
There is a better way to do a DIY piercing and that is going out and buying a piercing gun yourself. The steps are as follows:
Going out and buying the kit ($15.99 at Walmart)
Dotting the spot on your ear that you want the earring and making sure that they are even on both sides.
Placing the piercing gun up to your ear and pull the trigger to have the earring go through your ear and then put the back on it.
Those are the simple steps to piercing your ear and then you know that it will be sanitary because there is no rusty needle going through. The things you need to worry about is trusting the person who is doing the piercing and making sure that the back is not on too tightly because then infection could occur.