District Rule Eliminates Lunch Passes
Student ID’s are currently the only way to purchase lunch in District 117 schools.
On February 21, all students and parents were alerted of the new District 117 rule that eliminates lunch passes for student use. Over the course of the following week, the rule was fully implemented in the cafeteria and commons. This rule is a part of the massive changes starting in Antioch Community High School, all of which revolve around ID’s. With the first week of the ID push underway, different reactions have been seen by different people. While some students may disagree with the updated rules and regulations, the administration has specific reasons for enforcing these new changes.
“It’s just following through on the policy that already existed,” ACHS principal Eric Hamilton said. “It’s not a new policy, it’s not a new practice, what we said was get rid of the out for people to not have [their ID].”
These ID rules will impact both ACHS and Lakes Community High School to help control the habits of students at each school. Students in both schools are still questioning the policy.
“If our school is secure, we really shouldn’t need to have an ID to get lunch,” freshman Ryan Henneman said. “It seems unnecessary to me.”
ID’s have been a part of the school for many years, but they are now becoming required for students to have with them. Hamilton hopes to increase the use of ID’s in the future.
“I would love to use [ID’s] to scan in and out of resource rooms,” Hamilton said. “Then we know where students are.”
With this being the first wave of major restructuring for the school year, it is still undecided if more changes will be made in the coming months or if massive changes will come next year.