Couple Workouts to Brighten Valentine’s Day
Try something different this Valentine’s day with this workout formulated for two.
It can be difficult to find the time to squeeze fitness into the busy holidays, but this unique workout is a perfect alternative for a stereotypical Valentine’s date:
- Couple wall sit- sit back to back (2 minutes)
- Sit up high fives- lay toe to toe (40)
- Push up tower- one person puts their feet on the back of the other person and proceeds to do push ups. Switch after one rotation (15 on top and 15 on bottom)
- Single leg squats- hold hands while facing each other (20 each leg)
- Partner stretch- one person lays on the ground and take turns stretching out.
Although each couple has different physical capabilities, it is recommended to start easy and work up to more difficult workouts. The numbers are just guidelines, but feel free to set a more personal pace.
Sophomore Camille Flackus and junior De ‘Andre Burns share their personal workouts. These can be done with or without a partner.
“I walk to and from school,” Flackus said. “It’s good energy and it gets me where I need to be.”
Burns prefers lifting over cardio. “I like squat cleaning because in order to perform, you have to have the energy and I’m an explosive kind of guy,” Burns said.
For more exercise routines, visit, and have a lovely day.