COLUMN: Respectful Football Game Behavior
What happened to respect, responsibility and pride?
October 1, 2014

Friday night football games are arguably one of the best parts of high school. Not only are they opportunities for the whole school and community to come together to support our athletes, but they also never fail to be a fun time. Whether you’re a student, teacher, athlete or family member, everyone should get the chance to enjoy the Antioch Community High School football season experience. This being said, too many students believe it is okay to ruin the good times by displaying disrespectful and inappropriate behavior.
High school football games are supposed to be family environments. At any given game, there are teachers, young children, family members of faculty and families of athletes and students not yet in high school present. When did football games become excuses to drink, do drugs and act belligerently in public? It takes incredible disrespect to represent the fan section and the school as a whole in such a terrible manner.
There has yet to be a year in my high school career when an incident to do with alcohol at football games hasn’t occurred at least once. If you are going to drink, why would you choose a public event sponsored by your own school to do so? You might think that you’re hilarious and the life of the party, but you’re truly just embarrassing yourself, as well as the making the whole student section look bad. Chances are, most of the fans that are actually at the game to support their peers and the Sequoits will not be impressed by your drunken behavior. This type of behavior is not only selfish, but also stupid. If you haven’t noticed, there are always plenty of policemen at football games, and they are there for a reason.
On a less critical note, if you are coming to sit in the student section, why not show some school spirit and sportsmanship? Try dressing for the themes that the Cardinal Crazies have planned, and participating in the cheers for our team, instead of bashing on the CC’s. High school is a lot more enjoyable when you get involved and have some school spirit.
Overall, every student should respect the administration, the Cardinal Crazies, the football team, the dance team, the cheer team, the band and everyone else who puts in the effort to make Friday night football games so memorable. Realize how you are making yourself, your peers and your school be viewed, and save the outrageous behavior for a different time and place.